Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lesley's Nature Watch - Why everyone needs at least one Buddleih!

Seen on 1 of my 8 Buddleias in just 10 minutes yesterday: Swallowtail, Meadow Brown, a pair of Brimstones (Male pictured), Comma, Red Admiral, Gatekeeper, Small White,....these were just the butterflies. there were also many Bees of different species, a green Shield bug & so much more....... Note: Plant in sunny spot, dead head flowers when finished to promote longer flowering & prune hard in the apropriate season (BBC Gardeners World have a great website where you can find all pruning information).Most butterflies prefer the highest flowers that are sitting in direct sunshine.
Saw a Swift yesterday, the first I've seen for over a week. I think the majority have left us now & flown back down south. Of Swifts,Swallows & Martins, Swifts are the last to arrive & the first to leave.

1 comment:

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

what a neat photo! i'm so impressed!