Brittany Walks is no longer an association, and now reverts to its former incarnation as a private enterprise. There will be walks in October, November and December - watch this space, or see our website The website is going to have a major overhaul this winter, ready for great things in 2010. We hope to have a Walking for Health event in the spring, to encourage absolute non-walkers to have a 15 minute stroll to promote general fitness. There are also a range of study days programmed for early next year - Breton legends, religion and megaliths are on the agenda. As usual something for everyone is the intention, so I look forward to seeing old friends and new very soon.
I would like to add very heartfelt thanks for all the messages of support received this week. My main feeling is one of sadness because I believe strongly in the
vie associative that is such a force for good in French society, and all that is achieved by the passionate commitment of enthusiastic individuals to a cause, a conviction or a project. But the sharing of positive aims with like-minded individuals in a happy group is something worth striving for in any form in my opinion.